Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Featured Videos and FAQS About Grantmaking for the Arts

Since our founding, The Char and Chuck Fowler Family Foundation has been and will continue to be committed to the Arts. However, beginning in January 2023, the Foundation’s funding process for the Arts is changing and the Foundation will no longer be accepting unsolicited requests.

As part of our ongoing outreach and transparency, the Foundation created this page to provide additional information via these videos and FAQs.

CCFFF Operations

Why did the Foundation decide to do this?

It has always been our belief that the Foundation should not exist in perpetuity. The money should be spent during our lifetime as the funds belong to the community, not to us. Although we have been lucky enough to serve as the stewards of these funds, we believe the wealth generated by the Foundation belongs in the hands of the changemakers.

After 2025, will the family still be engaged with local philanthropy?

As is currently the case, our family members participate in their own personal philanthropy separate from the Foundation. Our family will continue to be active in their local communities and dedicated to philanthropy.

What are you going to do as a foundation?

We will continue to exist to fulfill our commitments that extend beyond December 2025. At this time, there are no plans to engage in additional grantmaking.

What are you going to do as individuals?

While the Foundation as an entity will no longer exist, our family will continue to be active in their communities and support many amazing nonprofits in Northeast Ohio.

Grantmaking Questions

When is the last chance to apply for a grant?

The final deadline for Larger grants (>$4,000) is August 15, 2025.
The final deadline for Rolling grants (<$4,000) is December 1, 2025.

Can we ask for multi-year grants this year or next?

We will continue accepting requests for multi-year support as we always have.

Through 2025, can we still apply for one Rolling and one Larger grant per year?

Yes. Through 2025, that policy has not been affected by this change.

What happens to our multi-year grant if it is scheduled for payment after 2025?

All multi-year payments will be honored and fulfilled as outlined and promised in your grant agreement.

Since the Arts are no longer part of your responsive grantmaking cycles, does your closing also affect your Arts grantmaking?

The Foundation’s closure affects all grantmaking in all our focus areas.

Will the Foundation be granting extra money since it closes at the end of 2025?

The Foundation will continue granting to the local community at the same level as in past years. Our average grant size of $20,000 will remain the same.

What is your spend-down plan?

The Foundation has spent a large portion of its assets each year since its inception and will continue to do so through the end of 2025. In 2026, we will have outstanding grant commitments for several years, so a balance will be maintained to honor those commitments.

Will larger grants be considered as part of your spend-down plan?

Through the end of 2025, our grantmaking levels will be consistent with previous years’ levels.

Grantee Relationships

Will you help us obtain money from other sources to replace our loss from you?

While we cannot speak on behalf of other local funders and how they decide their grants, we will most certainly offer our insight and experience working with our grantee and philanthropic partners.

Where can I reach you about grants after 2025?

The Foundation will remain fully staffed through the end of December 2026. During this time, you are welcome to reach out to Bridget De Leon, Director of Grantmaking, at